How To Clean Your Tablecloths

When you think about cleaning your home, you probably think of vacuuming, doing the dishes, mopping the floors. What many people do not think of right off the bat are tablecloths. Although often forgotten about, tablecloths need to be cleaned and maintained as well. Some tablecloths can be thrown in the washing machine at home, but keep in mind that others, depending on the fabric, require much more delicate care by a dry cleaner.


So what are some proper techniques for cleaning and storing your tablecloths?


How Often Should Your Tablecloths Be Cleaned?

A tablecloth that is used every day should be cleaned about once every 4-6 weeks. If your tablecloth is coming into contact with spills and stains, it is important to clean it as soon as possible to avoid permanent damage.


Cleaning Spots Immediately

It is not uncommon for spills to occur on your tablecloth, especially if you have children, but it is important to attempt to remove the stain quickly so it does not settle in. When checking for stains, it can be helpful to know what caused the stain so you can best remove it with the proper stain remover. If you are unsure what caused the stain, it is safe to start with a basic stain remover or laundry detergent. Let the stain remover or detergent sit on the stain for at least 10 minutes to ensure it has time to soak in. Once it is soaked in, you can put the tablecloth in the washing machine and wash it as you normally would. 


Proper Tablecloth Care

  • Check to see if your tablecloth has a label. A lot of times the label will tell you how to wash it (cold water, tumble dry, air dry, etc.)
  • Once washed, you can iron your linens to remove any wrinkles. Once ironed, you should hang the tablecloth on a hanger that is padded. Unpadded hangers may cause creasing or dents in your tablecloth.
  • It is important to store your tablecloth correctly if you do not plan to put it back on your table. Avoid wood containers, cardboard containers, and plastic bags, as these can all turn your tablecloth yellow. 


Professionally Cleaning Your Tablecloth

Much like wedding gowns, a lot of tablecloths require professional care due to delicate and intricate fabrics. Dry cleaning professionals have all the necessary resources and skills to treat your tablecloths and remove tough stains. If your tablecloth does have a stain, try to get it into the dry cleaner as soon as possible so the professionals can do their best to prevent any long lasting damage. 


Trust London Cleaners to Clean Your Tablecloths

Consider caring for your tablecloth a part of your new cleaning routine! It is important to take care of your tablecloth properly so it can last as long as possible. The first step is to decipher whether or not your tablecloth can be cleaned at home or by a professional. If you are in need of a dry cleaner, Trust the stain removal experts at London Cleaners! We are a team of skilled professionals dedicated to taking the best care of your tablecloths. Call us today!